P r i v a t e  a v i a t i o n  

W i t h  a  t e a m  o f  e x p e r i e n c e d  p i l o t s ,  t h e r e  i s  n o  d e s t i n a t i o n  t o o  r e m o t e  n o r  s a f a r i  i t i n e r a r y  t o o  c o m p l e x  f o r  t h o s e  w a n t i n g  t o  t r a v e l  p r i v a t e l y .  O u r  b e s p o k e  a i r  c h a r t e r  s e r v i c e s  o f f e r s  y o u  t h e  u l t i m a t e  f r e e d o m  t o  e x p l o r e  A f r i c a  a t  y o u r  o w n  p a c e .  


From direct access to secluded lodges in Africa's most off-the-beaten-path locations, to flexible routes tailored to your unique preferences, our private aviation service seamlessly brings every element of your journey together.

The Pilatus PC-12 NG has gained a reputation for outstanding versatility, performance and operational flexibility

The aircrafts we utilize can each accommodate nine passengers and one pilot, or two pilots and eight passengers. There’s ample baggage space and room to move in our pressurised cabins with bathrooms on board. We’ll also supply you with food and drinks during your flight.

Alongside the PC-12, which is the most commonly used in
and out of the small safari runways, SafariScapes is happy to quote you on King Airs, Challengers, LearJets, PC-24’s and more. No matter how many people are on your trip or how short or long you need to go for, we can put together the perfect charter for you.


Meet Our Pilots and Hosts of SafariScapes

The pilots at SafariScapes Nic Turpin and Chase Wells are highly accomplished, with decades of experience flying around Africa.

Their passion for flying and the bush are evident on every trip they do and in every aspect of the business. From long-anticipated bucket-list adventures, to romantic getaways and grand group trips, they have the privilege of introducing everyone to the wonders of Africa. Whether you are trekking for gorillas in Rwanda, watching a leopard stalk its prey in the Kruger National Park, or wandering through the vineyards of the Cape Winelands, our team is always there to enhance the experience and guide you through your journey.

Let us create your next holiday

Contact us today and let us begin planning your personalized journey.
